Monday, January 9, 2012

Most depressing movie of the year so actually very good.

THE FLOWERS OF WAR. Just saw it tonight. Here's my quick review as posted on
 I actually disagree with the critics on this one. Zhang Yimou has done an exceptional film that may very well be one of the best of his career. While most American's probably know only his work on the Olympics Opening Ceremony and his styled wuxia movies (HERO, HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS and CURSE OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER), he is more known in his homeland for dramatic movies. OK...the story takes place during the Rape on Nanking (Japanese occupation). It's brutal, parts are disgusting and made me so mad at the Japanese people (during that time period.) It's almost like SCHINDLER'S LIST. It was very stomach turning to watch the near rape of 13 yr old was almost impossible to watch the rape of a prostitute by six Japanese soldiers.And the slaughter of Chinese soldiers by Japanese soldiers while protecting innocent schoolgirls was violent and bloody. But the story of self sacrifice is what makes it inspiring. Of course Yimou's trademark style is all over this movie, but it is restrained. Bale's performance was a little shaky at times, but was better than I heard it was. Would I watch this again? No I don't think I could....only because of the subject is a very well done movie though!

It's a shame that this part of history is largely ignored by the Western world. Not to downplay what happened in Europe in WW2, but what happened to China by hands of the Imperial Japanese Army is just as terrible and horrible as any way people can be treated.

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