Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Maybe I am a stressed out, over sensitive, fucked up in the head kind of guy. There are lots of reasons for it. Those who know me, know why.

Freedom of speech is awesome. And despite what pre-conceived ideas people have about me…I understand that and I respect both sides of the story. But when I get told I hate people because of what they do…it pisses me off. It’s your life, you do what you please. I may not agree with you, but that’s how opinions work. You have yours and I have mine. Just don’t tell me you know who I am and what drives me when A) i  did not and b.)you don’t know me.

Off of Facebook for a while until I figure out who the hell I am.

Concentrating on my screenplay WITH CHILD. That’s what I should be doing…fuck everyone and everything else.

1 comment:

  1. Well....not everyone. there some people who mean a lot to me here on line. And my family of course....maybe that was a little too harsh!
