Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Got done chatting with a good friend. Great conversation. I think I am slowly rebounding now. As it has been put several times I need to consider the source of who said what they said.
It’s just easy for me to fall into this state of mind. More often then less. It sucks. It’s hard. And I can not believe I let the words of a ***** get under my skin like they did.

So slowly coming back to the surface…again….and I’m sure I’ll go under again some time in the near future.
Laying low for a while….re-inventing myself yet AGAIN. Don’t know how many times I have had to do this. ‘sigh’ but I need to find a better version of me and I need to do it soon because these mood things are driving everyone nuts and I know that.
So I’ll put on my weak smile and hopefully it will get bigger with a little time once more.
I want out.......

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

So on the brighter side of things (!)  :-)

I have tomorrow off! Working on getting WITH CHILD done. For good. And then off to be registered.

I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking through it and completing it.

And now to send off to SHRIEKFEST (as soon as they open this year's entries)

I wish all that do luck!! Let's get ready for some friendly competition!!!
Maybe I am a stressed out, over sensitive, fucked up in the head kind of guy. There are lots of reasons for it. Those who know me, know why.

Freedom of speech is awesome. And despite what pre-conceived ideas people have about me…I understand that and I respect both sides of the story. But when I get told I hate people because of what they do…it pisses me off. It’s your life, you do what you please. I may not agree with you, but that’s how opinions work. You have yours and I have mine. Just don’t tell me you know who I am and what drives me when A) i  did not and b.)you don’t know me.

Off of Facebook for a while until I figure out who the hell I am.

Concentrating on my screenplay WITH CHILD. That’s what I should be doing…fuck everyone and everything else.

Monday, January 23, 2012

What's next?

I'm not sure how many re-writes its gonna take on WITH CHILD to perfect this. I'm very happy with what I have. While not first draft EVER me it the solidest thing I have ever written. Everything makes sense, no plot holes......some dialogue changes are needed, but I don't know how I can tighten it up anymore than it is. It's very short, very compact. Not a big cast, not a lot of settings. Hell, it's something I could film on a shoestring budget given some talented FX makeup and some cool camera tricks!

So this one is going off to some contests, that's for sure.

I contained my self really well on this one. No wild tangents, no weird scenes that are Lynchian as I call for one small one that really is kind of out there...I will NOT remove it.

Since I love to write, I am diving straight into another feature screenplay just for the hell of it. Let's face it I'm never gonna sell anything.  VEA is back on hold because I think someone beat me to the punch on it...waiting to find out for sure before I continue with that one.

I'm going back to what I love. I'm opening the floodgates of my sick perverted mind and going back to the trash cinema movies that I grew up with and love so much. This will be the sickest, vulgarest, violent, bloody,  twisted,  vilest thing I have come up with. Going to the extreme with the next one.  Over the top violence, gore, beatings, sex, rape, be-headings, disembowelment, drugs, drinking, swearing, torture, more gore, revenge, revenge, revenge and revenge...all in a historical setting of the U.S.A.

Think the BABYCART series of films from Japan and you might get the idea.

First draft is in the bag

Well, I completed the first draft. Now on to the first re-write.

Friday, January 20, 2012

New post...guess I should!!

Just a new post to keep things alive over here.

I suddenly reverted back to using tumblr......created it, used it for a while and then stopped. And now I'm back over there.....I don't know why!!

So check me out over there because right now I'm kind of going crazy (!) (just kidding) and the REALLY crazy stuff goes over there!!

Screenplay is going good. Creepy scary and dark. Not much else to say....go over to tumblr and read some snippets from WITH CHILD and gaze and the weird vintage pics that have inspired me.....kind of took the
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children approach on this screenplay.....only in the aspect of inspired by creepy pics.....not story!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Don't forget I'm over here too....I forgot!!

HEY!! I'm over here as well....follow me on tumblr because sometimes things go there that do not appear here.....that's were I will probably end up going REALLLLY crazy!!!


Added a new movie to what I have seen so far.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Not quite done....but almost....

I guess maybe I should be more modest, but I am really excited about this new script. I'm entering the last act in it and I feel I have something here that has not been done before in ghost stories. And as a friend on Facebook guessed (as a joke, it's all good!!) that maybe it was about a woman getting knocked up by her ghost lover...not...sorry, not that at all. There is an element of a love story between two PEOPLE, but really, the ghosts in this are not nice at all......and different then what we have all seen in movies and read in stories.

I'm no pro, but I hope I can turn a few heads with this take and maybe help give the genre a much needed kick in the ass!! I doubt it, but just making a few heads turn and read it would be cool!

So far I've really been able to keep this tight, compact and to the point kind of script. Proud of myself for being able to do that at least.


Simply put.....I SUCK AT SPELLING.

Mostly because my mind moves faster than my that is not an excuse!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Read through the first 50 pages of what I have so far in script. I'm gonna be modest and not say anything......or anything at least about what I think about it.........

It's a P.O.S. (just kidding!!!)


I'm not really sure what to think about it. Maybe I need someone to read it so far and give me some opinions..........

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Just random thoughts....

It's amazing how some ideas come together quicker than others. VEA was going good, but kind of stumbled to the wayside because of WITH CHILD.

WITH CHILD came out of left was faint idea I had as far back as when making DISSOLUTION. Then I never though about it until a few months ago. I am amazed as to how fast the script has come together...I'm more than halfway done.

Now I already have plans for something's not anything that I have had on my list....another left field is one I have mentioned before here....a horror comedy about some experiences I have at work.....I don't want to say too much 'casue I might get in trouble with that job......but I have at least 50 different real life events that have happened there that are just dying to be told.....and all are so fucking hysterical......I'm sure everyone has funny work stories....but trust me....none can be as downright funny and vulgar as mine.....just come to my job for a few hours and you'd see what I mean. I don't even get upset at work anymore...I just laugh my ass off at some of the things that go down. Great screenplay material I think....of course all of it will not be true, but a lot of the little things that go on would be based on events.  ANd I might have someone help me. He's not really a writer, he's a huge reader and movie fan and he's been there for several years....someone to help me organize some of these events that have happened....damn just thinking of one of them it's so nasty vulgar it's too damn funny!! I like to think I'm a pretty creative guy...but 90% of these things that have happened I could not make up, even if I tried really hard!!!

Amazing how ideas come from no where.......

And it's amazing how I seem to have an easier time writing small scaled stories now. The epic story is something that I did write with 9 DRAGONS and once again tried with VEA.....VEA is not dead as I want to send it out for a spec script, I'm just saying that I am surprised that two screenplays I completed last year were smaller and they served as a stepping stone to WITH CHILD.....a tight, compact horror story.

Thanks for reading, whoever is.

I see on my stats that I have a lot people reading this from weird places. Russia, Europe etc etc. I do not know anyone form Europe, Russia or even Austrailia online or in real life....all my friends live stateside (well on friend lived in South Korea for a while....he went back home for a few years but is back now, and I know a lot of people from China, but have lost contact over the years :-(  ). SO. If you'd like, leave me a comment and where you're from and what brought you here.....I'm just curious.

Found an On Line Community for Screenwritiers HELL YES!

Last night I joined a social community kind of like FaceBook...but for people who are serious about screenwriting (and writing in general).....I'm not going on a Facebook rant (I'm done with that...everyone knows how I feel about that, and I'm over it as this is the new me) but I'll be hanging out there a lot now and on my blog....I've got some great friends on FB who are writers, so I'm not leaving FB...I'm still there, I'll still post dumb and useless shit (LOL)...but hanging out with others in a community of writers.....that's just too damn cool!!!'s created and managed by two people who developed FINAL DRAFT!!!! Anyone who screenwrites knows what that's the best industry standard software!!!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Movies viewed so far 2011

Just keeping a list of movies I see this year.....why?.....why not??



Creepy kids....

Creepy kids scare the f*ck outta me.......
Creepy kids wearing tattered clothes scare the f*ck outta me....
Creepy kids wearing tattered clothes and Halloween masks scare the f*ck outta me....
Creepy kids wearing tattered clothes and Halloween masks and running up and cursing at you scare the f*ck outta me....
Creepy kids wearing tattered clothes and Halloween masks and running up and cursing at you and can randomly change into incredibly freaky beings who look tortured scare the f*ck outta me....

And that's why there are several of them in WITH CHILD.........

(damn creepy kids)

...oh and creepy old men who look at you and point at you and say nothing scare the you know what outta me.....

(damn creepy old men)

YUP...a little more writing tonight!!

So the kid's a sleep...the wife had to run out to the "super store" for something....for me....that means a little extra writing....

Backtracking.....thought of a scene today that I need to put in.....a crucial, emotional scene to tie some other events's something quick and all I may get done tonight...but that's cool!!

2012....the year I attempt to actually make this work!!

I think since August when I turned the BIG 40....I have been in some kind of "life crisis". When I hit 40 and realized I haven't done what I wanted to sucked. OK..I'm over it now. Life is good! I'm happy with who I am!! (well my day job still stinks but....) 2012 may be the year the world ends(LOL), but this year will be the year I get my screenplay to SHRIEKFEST, the year I start sending out to agencies and production companies, the year I hit other screenplay contests....this is the year I will not give up! So yeah, I think I'm getting happy again...besides being 40 means I have just that more wisdom over the young "kids"....right????

So in other words....I'm feeling really good about this year so far. Staying off line the internet (although here I am on my blog!) and working on my screenplays and spending family time are my goals.....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Snow, blowing snow, shoveling snow

SNOW!! And it's blowing in the 50mph winds!! And I had to shovel the driveway....and...and...and.....I got zippo done for writing tonight and all I really got was a sore shoulder and back.

That's OK....I'm taking another day off next week to complete WITH CHILD!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

This song keeps going through my head while writing....

All day this song was buzzing through my head while writing....why? I really do not know........

Not very good day

Not as productive as a day I had hoped for. 11 pages done. Went back, changed some things. Added a stronger First Plot Point to make transition to second act more attention getting. Cut some scenes that were spooky and way cool, but they just added too many scares.....the key to good horror is just the right amount of scares...I had a few too many. What else, cut dialogue....made some longer..and then added a small scene.

Sadly I am out of time. Need to tend to real life now, like grocery shopping, picking up my daughter from daycare and get ready for a drive through tons of snow tomorrow AM on  my way to work....major snowstorm here tonight....I hope we get pounded....I'll call in tomorrow!!

Only 11 new pages.....I am not happy with that. Last week I belted out over 20 in one day and ended up with over 30 for the week......not happy at all.

Plot point 1...where the hell are you?? Oh there you are!

Went back and re-read....damn...I just pulled a beginner's mistake.....a very bad lack of Plot Point 1...that most essential thing to ANY screenplay.

SO more re-editing done. Lost a few pages and some good dialogue and some cool scenes....but now I am CONFIDENT that I have a solid First Plot Point that really carries good into act 2. It's slightly early, but this is a short story....very short...maybe 80 pages max.

Break time

10.5 pages done this AM. Not as good as I had hoped. It's not coming to me as fast as it did last week. I think that's because in the second act of this, things get a bit more complicated. The relationship between certain things starts to get more in depth.

I have no idea what I have written is any good or not.....I really don't.

It;s starting to come together....but damn it!

I just sent a better part of an hour going through the first 34 pages, rearranging stuff, rewriting stuff...I'm a little pissed at myself because I promised my self I would not do this until the 1st draft was done.

Anyway, back on writing new pages. Things are starting to stick together story wise and really holding now. Good creepy stuff....and I think I'm doing a good job of keeping the characters strong, unlike a lot of horror screenplays do. I want solid scares, but I want solid people....not stock disposable when things happen, the reader will actually care a little (?).

The show must go on....

To quote one of my daughter's favorite Dr. Suess books...."UP UP UP UP!" I'm kind of up...stayed up late watching silly Mushroom people movie from;s been a long time since I saw that wonder why!

SO onto the serious stuff.....time to punch out some pages on my screenplay....anything less than 15 pages today will be unacceptable!


I last post....gonna keep a list of all movies I watch in 2012 (before the end of the world LOL).
Why not!!! It's my amusement...I'll do what the hell I please!!  Oh and have a nice day :-)


Movie clip of the day....

One last post of the clip of the day from HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS (2004).
Man I had forgotten how much I love this scene. I remember the first time I saw it was at home, late at night, watching a crappy VCD copy from China....MONTHS before the U.S. release....and still having my jaw drop with this insane scene. It's been a while since I last watched the movie, but if memory serves me correctly....Ziyi Zhang's character is supposedly a "blind" thief hiding out in as a prostitute... and Andy Lau plays a cop trying to prove she is the thief. Cool stuff indeed.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Against colorizing old movies....but....

METROPOLIS is one of my ten fav films of all times. And I detest colorization of any old movie. that being said though, I am kind of impressed by this. Some one did this on their own on a PC at home. It looks cool....but I would never want to watch METROPOLIS like this.....some jackass tried to colorize it and put disco music to it back in ' a matter of fact, the damn music used in this clip is from said version....assholes!!


Strange South Korean movie has even me stumped!!

Bi-mong (a.k.a. DREAM) from South Korea. Bizarre art house film that has me even stumped right now after watching it. Starts off like a "normal" movie. A man dreams of getting into a car accident, only to realize that as he dreamed said accident, a young woman had the accident. They find out that as he dreams, she sleepwalks and acts out his dreams. About half way through the movie, things get truly strange. Not David Lynch absurd strange.....just strange...and the ending has me mystified. Usually I am smart enough to figure it out or have a glimmer of interpretation....not here. At least not now...I'm clueless on this one!  I know there is a higher meaning to this...I just can not put the pieces in it's place. The butterfly through out the movie must symbolize something....damn it!!! I just can not place it!!! The scenes of the main character slicing his leg open, sticking pins in his head, and beating his feat with a hammer are so over the top, they are kind of funny in a grotesque way!

Now I'm gonna watch a strange little movie from Japan.....TOHO's  MATANGO..ATTACK OF THE MUSHROOM PEOPLE. After last night's movie and now this last one....I need some silly 
tokusatsu to lighten the mood up a little!!

Day off tomorrow = 20 more pages of writing!!

Another day off daughter...all by myself..So I can pound out another 20 pages on my screenplay like I did last week! At least I hope I can..........

Some music....

Unlike Facebook were every one yells at you when you post music you like because you're "crowding up my newsfeed"...this is my blog and I'll post whatever I want to here!! LOL.  And I know nobody reads this anyway so....

So here.....this a song I've been listening a lot to lately from a post rock group OUR CEASING VOICES

Just had to share this...

Wanted to post the trailer to THE FLOWERS OF WAR. Watched it last night and it's been sticking with me all day so far. Guess it really had an impact om me. The trailer only covers a fraction of what really goes on in this movie.

Two scenes will haunt me forever from this  movie, not because they are "cool" but because they are brutally realistic ....the scene where the school girls prepare to jump off the steeple of the church (to avoid sex labor camps)....and the scene where the last few remaining Chinese soldiers line up one by one to protect the last soldier carrying a bomb, being picked off one at a time  in order by a tank, all in one camera take as they run towards the screen....chilling, haunting stuff. Of course all the rape scenes are haunting, but they made me angry more than anything else....this is just a movie that will stick with the viewer for a long time. And NO this is NOT Chinese Communist's a sad sad sad part of human history and a story about the human condition  / spirit.  And not all Japanese are portrayed badly in this movie....several are sympathetic to the the girls / women and do not want to follow their orders, but they must since they would face's an interesting paradox the film explores with some of the main Japanese characters......

Interesting trivia....Steven Spielberg personally recommended Christian Bale to director Zhang Yimou....both Zhang Yimou and Spielberg are close friends. Yes. They are. And remember Bale was in Spielberg's EMPIRE OF THE SUN back in '87.

Old school movie

Found an old film I made in college during my final year. Shot and edited mostly on 16mm, transferred to VHS. I don't know what I was thinking when I made it. Very avant garde....

I used B&W film stock...color film stock. Most of the live action was shot on 16mm. Some very early digital stuff was shot on 3/4 in video (yeah that's old school stuff from the early 90's....before DV). It has a story, but what the hell was I thinking back then! It's kind of JACOB'S LADDER-ish. I remember utilizing a lot of special effects makeup techs who were my friends from the theatrical dept of the school. A lot of weird makeup and yes...being me...there is gore (not a lot). After watching it I remember when it was shown, most people sat there stunned and silent. Not to brag, but it did have an impact.

I;m not sure I could make anything like that now days. Gonna have to work on transferring it to digital so I can get it online...I'm not sure who the hell would want to see this!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

After watching depressing movie....I needed a good laugh!!

Needed a good laugh after watching the ultra heavy and ultra depressing movie FLOWERS OF WAR.
The Cannon Group's infamous ENTER THE NINJA, and the notorious death scene from it.
There....I feel better already after watching this. LOL

Most depressing movie of the year so actually very good.

THE FLOWERS OF WAR. Just saw it tonight. Here's my quick review as posted on
 I actually disagree with the critics on this one. Zhang Yimou has done an exceptional film that may very well be one of the best of his career. While most American's probably know only his work on the Olympics Opening Ceremony and his styled wuxia movies (HERO, HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS and CURSE OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER), he is more known in his homeland for dramatic movies. OK...the story takes place during the Rape on Nanking (Japanese occupation). It's brutal, parts are disgusting and made me so mad at the Japanese people (during that time period.) It's almost like SCHINDLER'S LIST. It was very stomach turning to watch the near rape of 13 yr old was almost impossible to watch the rape of a prostitute by six Japanese soldiers.And the slaughter of Chinese soldiers by Japanese soldiers while protecting innocent schoolgirls was violent and bloody. But the story of self sacrifice is what makes it inspiring. Of course Yimou's trademark style is all over this movie, but it is restrained. Bale's performance was a little shaky at times, but was better than I heard it was. Would I watch this again? No I don't think I could....only because of the subject is a very well done movie though!

It's a shame that this part of history is largely ignored by the Western world. Not to downplay what happened in Europe in WW2, but what happened to China by hands of the Imperial Japanese Army is just as terrible and horrible as any way people can be treated.

Back to my old schedule!!

Today starts the day that I go back to my old work schedule that I had for 4 years, before being forced to change it last year. This year I got to change it back!! While still not having the weekend off...I get to go back to having Monday and Tuesday off.....

For me that's great because I will have off on all the holidays that fall on Monday.....Memorial Day, Labor Day and all the smaller holidays.....being that my wife is a teacher she has a lot of Monday's off with all these holidays....that means more family time throughout the year for me!!!!!!! For the last year I have hated the schedule I was forced to have!!

I know that's not about writing....but ....I just had to say.

Writing? Here;s hoping to a productive day. My daughter might still be a little sick, so hoping that when she takes her nap, I can bang out  5 or 10 pages!!

And why is it when writing this screenplay (WITH CHILD) I have one specific actress in mind in the role of the main character?.....interesting.

Connecting with people from school.....

Oh, and I find it interesting how I have found  and "re-connected" with three people from my school days in Pittsburgh on Facebook.  It's kind of weird how this shit though...!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

What a wasted night.

I remember back in 1990 (or somewhere about that) watching this awesome mecha movie from Japan while in college at Pittsburgh..Being a huge fan of Japanese cinema (and back then even more with the mecha and kaiju stuff, not so much today...well maybe kaiju still) It was obvious I would love this. It had state of the art special effects, a really cool post cyberpunk type of setting, a bad ass robot / tank thing, a tough as nails female lead (played by an American actress...go figure), and kind of a mess of a story. But that didn't matter cause all the above made it work.

Flash forward to tonight.....January 8, daughter had been up sick most of the night. My wife was tired from lack of sleep...I was tired from work.....usually we try to watch a movie together (the two of us) well that did not work......

So i went into the vault of some really old movies that I have on DVD....looking in the Japan pile of things I found said movie...titled  GANHEDDO (GUNHED). (1989). I thought..hell I remember how I loved this.

Good damn what a heaping pile of crap this movie is now!!!!Shitty special effects, terrible acting from American AND Japanese actors.....the robot / tank looks like something from the TERMINATOR franchise, the female lead is TERRIBLE and the story is even WORSE than I remembered it......

What a pisser when you watch a movie some 20 years later and realize "How fucking stupid was I back then?" LOL

It did bring back some memories though.

Needless to say I did not get a word of writing done tonight.....what a shame...I was on a roll for three days straight and then I ran into a wall.....I'll be back at it tomorrow for sure!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

More writing tonight

I just got my screenplay up to 32 pages tonight!!! It may not sound like much, but I'm pretty happy with that. And the slight changes I made actually work and kinda creep me out......

Changes already

I knew it was going to happen...but this is a good thing.

My job is so mind numbing that my brain sometimes just gets stupid doing I tend to think about my writing projects while I work my ass off at this crappy job just to pay the bills. Anyway, I came up with some really interesting ideas that are minor changes I guess....but make the aspect of the story more horrifying.....basically the type of ghost has changed...and to me it's more horrible than what I had put down.

Some changes actually are good!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ready for some serious sleep....

After spending almost the entire day in front of my computer writing my screenplay......I'm about as tired as I would have been if I would have gone to work for 8 hrs. I'm ready for bed.......not until I get my nightly FRINGE fix though....almost caught up on this year's shows.

Done for now....break time!!

Twenty pages today....I THINK that's a major least that's the most I've ever to re-read it and see if it makes any sense!!!

Writing to music today

Listening to GHOSTS I - IV  released as a NIN album, but actually was done by Trent Reznor, Attics Ross and Alan Moulder....

Been a long time since I listened to this, but now that I sounds like a precursor to their work on SOCIAL NETWORK and GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO. I remember thinking this album was so-so when it came out a few years back, but's great stuff to write to. Very cinematic.

Called in....took the day off from work

Yep. I called into work for two reasons. First I am tired. Four nights straight of my daughter throwing fits at bedtime (still catching up on only 1 - 2 hr of sleep from Sunday night after she woke up at 1:30).

Second reason is to get my new screenplay WITH CHILD going. Some horror contests are coming up soon and I feel I can get this done quickly. The idea has been with me for almost a year and I wrote the treatment a few months ago. I'm hoping for a very productive day......wife is at work and and daughter at daycare.......

Wednesday, January 4, 2012



The title of my new screenplay. My wife thought it a good idea for a story....ran it past her since we went through a devastating event concerning our's the new tittle for my screenplay that I am writing every other day, leapfrogging with VEA.

Call me crazy....

I still can;t believe I am going to do this.

On alternating days I will be working on two screenplays. VEA is moving along, but there are some horror fests that I want to enter this year. I completed two horror screenplays in 2011, neither of which I really think have much of a chance...they need major re-works.

So enter another super secret horror idea that I had for a year or so....I wrote it down in treatment form a few months ago. I haven't even told my wife about this.....she might not care for the subject matter....but now that I wrote this, she'll probably read it and hound me about it for the rest of the night!

So VEA on day....this killer horror idea on the other day. Last time I tried this I failed miserably....but I think I am mentally able to do this now. If ANY one reads this, please wish me luck!

Holiday over = back to work

Thankfully the holidays are over...finally!  They were fun, but the running around, the extra work at my day job, and the endless traffic in town from people who I swear only come out to drive for Xmas.....gets...annoying.

So now that normality is settling back's time to get back to work on my screenplay. As always I doubt anything will ever come of it, but unlike my Asian epic in which I was told American's "would not get it", I think this may be Westernized enough that maybe I can shop this around as a spec script....if nothing more just to get my name out there and get some attention form agents / producers......yeah right.....this movie thing is a vicious game that I do not think I have the social skills to make it....or sometimes it feels that way. That's why I wish I could just sell one, get my name out there, and live a secluded life in front of my laptop as a writer and never have to go out and face reality ever again.........LMFAO


I meant to clean up a few old posts....and accidently deleted everything by checking all posts.....ooppss....