Saturday, January 14, 2012

Just random thoughts....

It's amazing how some ideas come together quicker than others. VEA was going good, but kind of stumbled to the wayside because of WITH CHILD.

WITH CHILD came out of left was faint idea I had as far back as when making DISSOLUTION. Then I never though about it until a few months ago. I am amazed as to how fast the script has come together...I'm more than halfway done.

Now I already have plans for something's not anything that I have had on my list....another left field is one I have mentioned before here....a horror comedy about some experiences I have at work.....I don't want to say too much 'casue I might get in trouble with that job......but I have at least 50 different real life events that have happened there that are just dying to be told.....and all are so fucking hysterical......I'm sure everyone has funny work stories....but trust me....none can be as downright funny and vulgar as mine.....just come to my job for a few hours and you'd see what I mean. I don't even get upset at work anymore...I just laugh my ass off at some of the things that go down. Great screenplay material I think....of course all of it will not be true, but a lot of the little things that go on would be based on events.  ANd I might have someone help me. He's not really a writer, he's a huge reader and movie fan and he's been there for several years....someone to help me organize some of these events that have happened....damn just thinking of one of them it's so nasty vulgar it's too damn funny!! I like to think I'm a pretty creative guy...but 90% of these things that have happened I could not make up, even if I tried really hard!!!

Amazing how ideas come from no where.......

And it's amazing how I seem to have an easier time writing small scaled stories now. The epic story is something that I did write with 9 DRAGONS and once again tried with VEA.....VEA is not dead as I want to send it out for a spec script, I'm just saying that I am surprised that two screenplays I completed last year were smaller and they served as a stepping stone to WITH CHILD.....a tight, compact horror story.

Thanks for reading, whoever is.

I see on my stats that I have a lot people reading this from weird places. Russia, Europe etc etc. I do not know anyone form Europe, Russia or even Austrailia online or in real life....all my friends live stateside (well on friend lived in South Korea for a while....he went back home for a few years but is back now, and I know a lot of people from China, but have lost contact over the years :-(  ). SO. If you'd like, leave me a comment and where you're from and what brought you here.....I'm just curious.

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